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Planning Board Minutes 02/05/2008
FEBRUARY 5, 2008

Members Present:        Robert Frizzell – Chair; Sharon Francis – Vice-Chair; Brenda Ferland, Ex-Officio, Gail Fellows, Ken Moore

Alternates Present:     Fred Poisson

Staff Present:          David Edkins – Planning & Zoning Administrator
                        Regina Borden – Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & SEATING OF ALTERNATES:  Robert Frizzell called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.  He noted the absence of regular members Kennith Champney and Doug Ring and alternate members Eric Lutz, Linda Stewart and Roger Thibodeau.  He called upon alternate member Fred Poisson to sit for Doug Ring.


Brenda Ferland moved to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2008 meeting as printed.  Sharon Francis seconded the motion.  With five members in favor, the motion was approved.  Ken Moore abstained as he was not present at this meeting.

LEONARD, SR. & GAIL POLAND – Subdivision of Two Existing Lots to Create Three Lots – 156 South Hemlock Road – Map 232, Lot 71 and Map 238, Lot 64 – Zone E Mixed Use:  Surveyor Tom Dombroski represented the applicants, Leonard, Sr. & Gail Poland.  He distributed plans showing the proposed subdivision including the wetland area.  Mr. Frizzell advised that a 50-foot right-of-way is required when a back lot is being created; the building has to be located where there is sufficient width for it.  This frontage will be on the Hemlock Road.  Mr. Dombroski advised that Jim McClammer looked at the wetland area and did not feel a Wetlands Permit was needed if a bridge is used to cross it.  Their intent is to build a 20-foot wide bridge over the brook rather than a culvert, so they will not disturb this area.  Mr. Frizzell requested that they obtain a letter from Mr. McClammer verifying this fact.  Mrs. Francis asked what the source of the water is.  Mr. Cobb advised that it comes from the swamp that runs off the hill near South Hemlock; it is dry in the summer.  They did not contact Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent, about obtaining a Driveway Permit but will do so.  There was a consensus that this will leave sufficient frontage for the other lot on the Class V road.      

Tanner Royce, an abutter at 103 South Hemlock Road, was present.  He was interested as an abutter on what was happening on the road.  After reviewing the proposed map, he had no opposition to the proposal.            

Mr. Poisson moved to accept the application as subject to receipt of the Driveway Permit and a letter from Jim McClammer explaining that their wetland area does not need a Wetlands Permit.  Mrs. Francis seconded the motion.  Mrs. Ferland wanted to be sure that Mr. McClammer includes his certification and/or stamp on the letter.  With six members in favor, the motion was approved.  

Ms. Fellows left the meeting at this time.

Planning Board Report:  Mr. Edkins noted that he had included a draft Report of the Planning Board for the Town Report in the packets.  The members felt it looked good and approved it.

Annual Town Meeting Deliberative Session:  The Annual Town Meeting Deliberative Session will be held tomorrow evening.

Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Region Planning Commission:  The UVLSRPC is sponsoring an audio video conference series.  Dave Edkins expressed interest in attending the “Design Guidelines for Small Towns and Rural Communities” on Wednesday, March 5th from 4:00 to 5:30 PM in Hanover.  On March 25th they are hosting a session on “The New Shoreland Protection Act Standards” that will be effective soon.     

Town Attorney:  Annually the Town attorneys, Gardner and Fulton, provide a summary of the changes in municipal law from the previous year.  If anyone would like a copy let Mr. Edkins know and he will provide them with a copy.  The Selectboard would like to invite Bernie Waugh to attend one of their meetings to provide a summary of the changes; when this is scheduled he will advise the Planning Board.

Wetlands:  Mrs. Ferland advised that Ms. Fellows wants clarification on the Maurice Hurd wetlands issue; is he running a business on the wetlands area and is DES pursuing it.  Mr. Edkins will do a follow-up.    

Join Meeting with Conservation Commission – Re: Implementation of Master Plan:
Natural Resources Goals:  Travis Royce and Ruth Pratt of the Conservation Commission were in attendance.  Dick Holmes was unable to attend.  Reference was made to the Master Plan and the recommendations that the Planning Board would like to begin to implement; a decision was made to start with the Natural Resources.  Mr. Edkins noted that the Master Plan is a guidance document therefore implementation has to be through the ordinances.  

Steep Hillsides:  The Planning Board would like some provisions for steep hillsides.  

Inventories:  Mrs. Francis noted the importance of having good inventories for steep slopes, vernal pools, invasive species, wildlife habitat, deeryards, endangered wildlife, birds, etc.  If development proposals come forward that information would be helpful.  In the public opinion survey many people were interested in preserving the Town’s natural resources.  The Town has hunters, trackers, etc. who could probably provide valuable information toward the wildlife inventory.     

Identify Parcels of Land to Protect:  There was discussion relative to the possibility of negotiating easements or purchasing certain properties if valuable enough but it would take voter approval.  It gets difficult to tell a property owner that they cannot do something with it unless they are compensated.   

Survey and Map Species:  Mr. Edkins noted that the Town has a wetlands map that is soils based and the National Wetlands Inventory but they do not address the criteria that are used to regulate wetlands right now. Mr. Royce is aware of a National Wetlands Inventory map but it is not digital.

Mr. Frizzell feels this is a good time to do these things because development is coming and most residents would like to have the Town remain similar to what it is now; so there is a need to put in some simple controls while they still have the opportunity to do that.  

Mrs. Francis brought in a copy of the Lyme Natural Resources inventory that was done last year for everyone to look at.  She said that Jan Lambert is interested in working on a similar project.  Mr. Royce noted that funding has to be considered; various sources are usually available; possible cost might be $18,000 even with volunteers.  Ms. Pratt suggested doing an informational brochure on wildlife and rare plants with photos that include invasive plants.  .      

Scenic Resources- Identify Habitats and Natural Corridors:  Mrs. Francis advised that the UVLSRPC developed a method for evaluating scenic resources and they will train people.  She would like to learn more about it.

Mrs. Francis felt that when the Natural Resources inventory is developed it could be tied into the Site Plan Review process.  Ms. Pratt suggested incorporating the knowledge of the towns’ people into the inventory information.  

There was a consensus of the group to schedule a Joint Meeting of the Planning Board and Conservation Commission and invite Christine Walker of the UVLSRPC, Dave Davis and Jan Lambert.  Mrs. Ferland felt that by putting an article in the Our Town publication to let people know about the project they might be interested enough to attend a meeting and volunteer to assist.  Mr. Edkins will work toward scheduling the meeting date that might be on a Planning Board meeting night or Conservation Commission meeting night.  

Mr. Frizzell thanked Travis Royce and Ruth Pratt for attending this meeting.           

Next Meeting:  The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 7:00 PM.

There being no other business, Mr. Poisson moved for adjournment.  Mrs. Ferland seconded the motion, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:24 PM.

Respectfully submitted,                 Minutes Filed: 2-8-08
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

(Note:  These are unapproved minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the minutes of the February 19, 2008, Planning Board meeting.)